Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sicilian Expedition - Selinus

After spending the better part of a day at Agrigentum, we travelled to Selinus another Greek colony founded in around 651, the site of at least 8 Doric temples. They are named such creative things as "Temple E" and "Temple G." There is even one mysterious "Temple Y" which we know existed but do not know where. Here you can see students hugging a Doric column at temple E. After each lecture, which lasts for around 20 minutes, we are given fifteen minutes or so to walk around the site and take photographs. As you can see we enjoy photo opportunities!
Here are the remains of Temple G, a temple to Apollo. Never completed, the temple would have been massive. After our lecture we got to wander around the rubble like a giant playground.
Professor Smith speaks to some students below him. You may not be able to tell the scale from this picture. You can look at this other student's blog to get an idea.
Here are the eastern temples at Selinus.
This is a view from some of the fortifications on the acropolis.

The next day we visited a quarry and considered just how these massive stones were carried. I would really have hated to have been a slave who had to move column drums equal to me in height.

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