I thought that these Egyptian monkey statues looked funny. I'm not sure what they are doing or what their functions were. Perhaps they were cultic. Or maybe they were just decorative.
Monday, February 28, 2011
A Triumphal Tour
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Part of the challenge of an inscription, besides it obviously being in an ancient language, is the use of abreviations. In this case, there weren't too many. I'll show you an edited version of the text and then a translation.
"To the gods of the underworld, Magnia Veneria erected this for Titus Magnius Dulitus, her patron and also her husband, and for Titus Magnius Philostorgus, her son who lived for 12 most sweet years, 5 months, and 9 days."
It was a lot of fun putting together a translation and commentary. Even a seemingly insignificant grave marker can have a lot of meaning. Compared to literature, epigraphy is not too difficult; it just takes some getting used to.
The Fields of Gabine Juno
Monday, February 14, 2011
Tiber, Soccer, etc.
On Thursday, we went to the Forum Boarium (between the Tiber, Capitoline, and Palatine). There, we saw a number of sites and temples, including a round temple (to Hercules?) and a temple to Portunus. I, unfortunately, forgot my camera, so I don't have any lovely pictures. If you're really interested in seeing pictures, let me know, and I can try to get some from other people. We also visited Tiber Island and heard a student presentation on the role of the island and its connection to Asclepius, the god of healing. After that trip and an afternoon Italian class, I was done with classes for the week!
On Saturday, a number of us students went to go see a soccer game between Roma and Napoli. But first, as all good sports fans should, we had a barbeque. We bought hamburgers, hot dogs, and vegetables and had a nice meal in the Centro's garden. It was quite an experience seeing Franco (the director) use a ping pong paddle to shovel and fan the coals. In the end we had a wonderful meal (Franco Barbeque), and, after getting our faces painted, we were off to the game!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Alba Fucens
That said, the colony and the surrounding area are beautiful. We were told that it would be very cold (possibly even with snow!), but it ended up being in the 50's, which was very nice (even though a snowball fight in a Roman amphitheater would have been fun).
On a side note, at dinner, we got to celebrate Professor (Scott) Smith's birthday!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Trip to the Vatican
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Once we finished at the museum, we left the modern town and went to visit a necropolis (city of the dead). After a brief lecture (it was very windy, so I had trouble keeping my notes in order), we had the chance to go explore the tombs in pairs and analyze their art.
You may be able to make out a hand in this photograph. No worries; no students were harmed in the making of this blog.